What half a million dollars will buy you in the Wilmington, NC area is not what you think! Sure, we're located in North Carolina, but that doesn't make it CHEAP. We're a beautiful, sought after coastal area, and that comes at a cost. I've selected 5 homes in the Hampstead NC and Wilmington area between the prices of $500-600K to show you just what that dollar amount will get you here. Shocking? For many folks I know it is.
My name is Jan Roggeman, owner of the Salty Pelican Properties Group. If you're interested in relocating and have questions about Wilmington, the Hampstead NC area, or the housing market, please feel free to reach out to me. I am a local Real Estate Agent who loves what I do, and the community in which I live and work.
Take care, Jan Roggeman
(910) 759-4800
#wilmingtonnc #janroggeman #realestatebroker